Wednesday, September 21, 2011

History of the Samba

By Esther Frances

The Samba is the "sort-of" official dance of Carnival (or Mardi Gras here in the states). On "Fat Tuesday" thousands of people from Rio de Janeiro to New Orleans Samba in celebration. And since Mardi Gras is the before you have to repent for your sins for 40 days, you might as well do it the Brazilian way and go out with a bang.

The height of Samba's dance reign is definitely during Mardi Gras where the dancing usually last for many hours. The pace of the dance is very frantic so it's no wonder why many consider Samba dancers athletes dancing for God. And outside of the Mardi Gras context, from San Francisco to Rio, the dance is celebration.

The United States first learned about the Samba from Street Carnival, a Broadway musical of the 1920's. The most memorable performance, if also the most bland, no doubt was offered by Carmen Miranda in That Night in Rio. Released in 1941, she dances to Chica Chica Boom wearing the fruit-laden hat that later inspired the great Chiquita Banana.

Because of its quasi-religious nature, the Samba was not condemned as so many other dances. In the poorer parts of Rio, neighborhood groups would work together on elaborate costumes all year to adorn their reps for Mardi Gras. And moreso than just the dance, Samba represents the joy of life, community and neighborhood.

As a festival dance, the Samba is usually performed solo, but it is also a partner dance with competitions throughout the year. The style is smooth and fluid, and although the music is played in 4/4 time, the Samba is counted in 2/4 time and danced in triple time so there are three steps for every two beats. Versions of the Samba include the legendary Conga, as well as the Carioca, Mesemba, Samba de Roda, Samba Reggae, and of course, Carnival. The ballroom version is performed much like a Waltz with a very lively bounce. Rather than the traditional count and box step, however, the Samba is danced in a one-and-two, three-and four tempo with a ball change step rather than a march step. The Samba is not very difficult to learn, although it requires a fair amount of energy. There are many dance studios that teach the Samba and many clubs where you can dance. So get started now and save up for that plane ticket to Rio next Mardi Gras!

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