Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When It Comes To Ballroom Dancing Livermore Steps Lively

By Rachael Hansen

Ballroom dance never really goes out of fashion but sometimes it's even more popular than usual. It's something almost anyone can learn at almost any age. For people who enjoy ballroom dancing Livermore or Los Angeles or Lexington are all great places to be. They just need music and a floor.

Ballroom dancers will tell you that it's a very romantic thing to do but it's also practical. It probably isn't your first thought when you see dancers in their beautiful costumes moving gracefully around the floor but what they are doing is great exercise. It's not as challenging as marathon running or cage fighting but it's a form of exercise you can grow old with.

Dance bestows many of the same positive effects as the more extreme forms of exercise with less risk. People who dance regularly are keeping their hearts healthy and their muscles toned. As they age they are less likely to experience arthritis and will have more strength and energy than their couch potato counterparts.

But of course when people love to dance they don't do it because it's healthful and will increase their life expectancy. They do it because it's fun. Moving in time to music is fun and doing fancy steps with a partner is even more fun.

Learning the steps and styling of standard dances requires a certain amount of discipline. It is just challenging enough to keep the mind engaged and leave no room for worrisome or annoying thoughts. Studies have shown that dance is one of the activities that helps to keep the aging mind alert and active.

People who dance are the ones who can get the most out of wedding receptions and festivals and any event where there is music. When you go out dancing on a regular basis you meet other people who enjoy having a good time. Couples find that dance is an activity they can share for many years.

For single people the best reason in the world to learn to dance is to meet other single people. Asking a lady to dance is much more attractive than trying to come up with clever conversation. When two people enjoy dancing together they have something in common. From there conversation is easy.

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