Sunday, April 17, 2011

Totally free Movies On-line - Legal vs. Illegal

By Kinghort Bishop

Watching a movie online is a very fun experience. However, nothing can usually compare to the quality of the Blue-ray disc or the DVD (other than the theater experience of course) when watching free movies online. The concept of 'free movies online' may mean different things to different people. For some, it may mean downloading movies from a pirated movie website and for others it may mean 'buying' and downloading movies from a legitimate website and for some others, it may mean watching bootleg videos.

Videos that are downloaded from legitimate sources quite often have the best quality of video and audio. However, with the video piracy on the rise, the quality of the videos on the pirated sites is getting better as well. Earlier, the pirated sites used to get only the bootlegged copies of the videos which are really 'good for nothing'! In other words, these 'free movies online' do not offer anything - the video quality is hardly any good and the audio is even worse in most cases. In quite literal terms, you are actually watching a movie of a movie in the sense that the video that was taped in a cinema theater. What you get from a bootlegged copy is a 'second-hand' version of the film itself.

Even though it can be a great practice to download movies only from legitimate web sites, it is becoming increasingly more tempting for internet users to maintain off the pirated web sites which have began offering very good high quality movies at completely no price. The only thing that will possibly maintain folks from flocking to these sites will be the 'moral obligation' to the producers of the movies which seems to be fading away.

Yet another argument that has been posed by several users who're against the 'pirated' internet sites is that the support received by the users of the legitimate sites is 100% much better than the support received within the illegitimate websites. Even so, the point to be regarded as now is that even these sites have began offering the very same support and what's more will be the reality that these websites are offering these services at the same time as the videos for Free! The only way that these internet sites are generating income is by placing ads by Google and ads by other businesses on their sites. It practically appears as although Google is promoting the use of these internet sites.

The only probable outcome of the entire 'free movies online' scenario could be that increasingly more users will resort to using these illegal sites and download more movies from them. In order to avoid that from happening (if it hasn't already happened) is to educate folks about the fair use of media on the internet as well as the achievable outcomes if users get caught in these illegal activities.
Even though illegal web sites are matching up to the legal websites with respect to the media world, it's still a fantastic practice to make use of the legal web sites to watch no cost movies online. Take the 'higher road' and download free of charge movies on the web from legal sites!

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