Monday, December 24, 2012

Helping Children Realize Alternatives Through The Power Of Art

By Natasha Moore

When children are being deprived of love and attention they may develop a bad self image of themselves. The lives these youths live are filled with turmoil and heartache. There is a group of people who are trying to keep many of these at risk youths from falling into despair and acting out in ways that will hurt them now and in the future. This group has developed programs where children can discover themselves by using the power of art. The hope is that an angry teen will find a positive form to express this anger.

These programs generally focus on young people between the age of twelve and eighteen. They are considered as at risk youth because they usually come from broken homes that offer little love and guidance. Many of these youngsters turn to the streets to find acceptance. Many of them will engage in behavior that might have a damaging affect on their lives.

These children can be located at a few places that average teens never see. The juvenile court system is filled with people having trouble dealing with their lives. Some of them have been placed in foster homes instead of with their real families. There are alternative schools where these teens will be assigned because they do not get along well with others in regular schools.

Researchers are looking for way to introduce the youngsters to a different way of venting their anger and frustrations. The researchers hope that by giving these young people a healthy way to express themselves they will begin to care about themselves and others. If they can get a troubled teen to accept that they have value, then they may decide to build a good life for themselves.

When most people are creating art they are revealing a part of their soul. A person is allowing others to see a part of them that they may have always kept hidden. Through this form of expression they can release some of the turmoil that might be bothering them.

Any form of expression can be used when instituting a program like this. A child can express themselves through a painting, performing, or other ways. What matters most is that they are actively participating in what is being created and presented to an audience. A child should not feel that they are part of the audience and not have considerable input into the process that is unfolding.

There are professional artists who are involved in programs like these. They are able to teach a child the skills she needs to create the image she wants revealed. These professionals should be able to relate to the trials and tribulations these a child might be facing. The relationship that can be built among the participants can be a catalyst for positive change.

Teens who have not been treating well at home can have many problems. They are often psychological and emotionally scarred as a result of mistreatment by those who should be providing them love and attention. Some professionals feel that getting them involved in the power of art program can be a good way for them to see themselves in a different way that leads to positive changes in their lives.

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