Sunday, July 17, 2011

Benefits of Taking Professional Guitar Lessons Instead of Teaching One's Self

By Adriana Noton

The benefits of taking professional guitar lessons instead of trying to learn on your own are numerous and important. Some gifted people are self-taught in music or whatever else, but for most of us there are some crucial reasons why we are much better off with a serious teacher.

It saves time. This might not seem apparent, but when we take up an endeavor on our own we are bound to begin on the wrong road. When a professional is there to turn you in the other direction it gives you invaluable time to improve in other areas of your playing. Also, reinforcing bad habits makes the pieces harder to play, meaning that even if you put the time in it'll still be difficult. A good, practical example of this is with fingering: the right method makes it easier to read music and play while the wrong one makes you cross your hands over and becomes confusing when playing pieces that would otherwise be significantly simpler.

Learning music requires serious motivation that is hard to self-generate. When you are responsible for making weekly progress you'll end up doing more. It's a psychological truth. Accountability makes you work harder. But it's also rewarding because hopefully you'll have a terrific rapport with your teacher. The nature of this relationship is crucial and is hard to underestimate. It's also reciprocal. The teacher will grow to like you and personally and professionally want you to learn, and you'll want to provide him with the satisfaction. This works well when it's a two way street, but without a teacher it'll only ever be a one way street.

Teachers are also there to inspire. Watching videos of your favourite musicians playing before thousands of fans on YouTube might have the odd effect of alienating you from the music, and making you feel like they're doing something exceptional that's beyond your ability. But sitting in a room with a guy who's casually playing makes guitar seem realistic and within your grasp. Furthermore, you can interact with the person! The internet provides the illusion that there's access to videos and teachers, but it'll never provide the access you get with a real live person in front of you. A teacher is a person who knows you, who you have history with, and who can adjust his lessons based on your needs and inclinations. The teacher can play music that you love and adjust it to your abilities, all the while telling you tips and adjusting your fingers. This is priceless.

Finally, lessons with a professional is fun! Lessons must be about getting better at music and learning, but, for whatever reason, musicians tend to have strong senses of humour and they consciously know to make their lessons fun and engaging. A good pro balances a structured lesson with playful banter so the student is comfortable and enjoys themselves.

All these add up to describe the value in music lessons Waterloo being one of the finest investments you can make.

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