Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Movies: What Would Life Be Like Without Them?

By Divine Sierra

Ever thought about how your life would be if there weren't any pictures? You almost certainly haven't and that is because we all take them for granted but lets think about films, both the good and the bad a bit shall we?

Movies are one of the most typical sorts of entertainment there is in our world. This is because they permit us to escape our world and enter into another world for 2 hours and gives our immediate concerns a rest. They allow us to travel to worlds we'll never be well placed to experience otherwise. They bring excitement and force of emotion that we would not have otherwise. These are all pretty good things right? And possibly some of the main reasons they are so popular.

On the flip side flicks create impractical expectations and make unhealthy approaches to life and decisions look nice. This is particularly true for those among us who've grown up in this age of technology. You see back when films were easier it was easier to separate them from fact.

Now however the computer effects and PC animations create such realness that it is confusing our kids. You've heard stories in the news about a child being finished or badly hurt by another kid because they were acting out something they saw in a movie. The other thing is that our youngsters are being exposed to hyper intense scenes of violence it is surprising that more Columbine's haven't happened actually.

And what about Hollywood's portrayal of sex? Well lets just say that we all were truly surprised the 1st time we had sex. It wasn't virtually as smooth and well coordinated as we had seen every time on the cinema screen was it. What if sex was portrayed realistically as something that can be highly good and fulfilling given that the two folks have made a commitment to one another for life and are prepared to work at it? What if the an undeniable fact that there is lots of responsibility that goes with the pleasure what dealt with? Well lots of people believe that we would have far less trouble with sex at its root. Teen sex wouldn't be as rampant. Unwanted pregnancies would be a far smaller issue. Sexually transmitted diseases would not be spinning beyond control, and on and on.

So are flicks good or bad? Well the answer's both. Now the question remains, does one outweigh the other?

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