Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hip Hop Artist - Discover The Basic Hip Hop

By Farah Fan

Given that all people like hearing hip hop music, it is just reasonable for hip hop followers to know how to dance like their favorite hip hop artist. Hip hop artist are well-known to choreograph contemporary dance steps. Hip-hop is a cultural movement, best known for its influence on music in the form of the musical genre of the identical name. Hip hop music started in the Bronx, in NYC, during the 70's, mostly among African Americans, with some influence from the Latin American people of the area as well. The hip hop culture has gone from being a relatively underground style to being a major style all over the world, and it has been commercialized and even popularized, particularly in the US. The four traditional pillars of hip-hop are: DJing, rapping, breakdancing, and graffiti art. 5 additional pillars are sometimes added: hip-hop fashion, beatboxing, hip-hop slang, street entrepreneurship and street knowledge.

Hip-hop dancing is one of the most innovative and creative dance arts of the past thirty years. One of the reason why it is so innovative is due to its diverse nature. Hip-hop dancing combines many forms of dance like ballet, jazz, bebop and also martial arts movements into a single art form. A number of hip-hop dancing techniques described in this article will reflect that aspect of diversity.

Popping and locking dance steps are the hottest steps of hip-hop and R&B music artists. The steps are incredibly easy and simple to learn. With a single foot positioned firmly in front of your body in a standing position, leaning back on the rear foot off the front foot at the knee. Lifting the front foot, pause in a jerky reaction and bring to flip back to the ground. Repeat this step with your body as you bring your foot into the ground. Both your hands must be at your sides. Along with the groove of the music, start moving your body, legs and arms in a wavelike motion jerking to the beat. And there you have it.

The juke dance was developed in the 1990's in Chicago and become a form of hip-hop dance. It is a combination of handwork and footwork. Initially, push 1 of your legs in a sliding position, other leg must be bent a bit at the knee. The arms should be drawn in near the body and bent at the elbow with hands resting on chest area. Return to standing in the upright position, keep one leg to the side and while you bring it back, kick another leg to the side. Continue doing this step in rhythm with the music.

One of the most common dance steps of every hip hop artist dance is the wop. This kind of dance involves a simulated horse. With the knees bent inward, form a fist, then your arm in a cocked position as if you are in a boxing position. Sway the cocked arm as you rock your shoulders in the exact same direction. Your head should be rocking in beat along with your closed fist in the pendulum-like rhythm. Now you are simply rocking to the beat of the music.

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