Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Summer Songs

By Nancy Austin

In this article, you'll read about songs about summer. This is obviously a quite light-hearted article subject, and will thus be very informal and subjective. The 1st song out, which, if I had not had a brain-breakdown at the time - meaning I couldn't feel of any song - would have been "summer of sixty nine", by Bryan Adams. I bet you'll find really couple of intros, within the world, which are so simply recognized. You know, that guitar coming in. Of course, also the chorus - and, I would say, even extra so - is well recognized. It's a excellent song. That song is incredibly old - being at least fifteen years old - so maybe we must freshing this up, a little. Why not do it with the brilliant song of last summer - attractive girls by BoB. This is seriously a actually happy song, meaning it's inevitably terrific for summer (as summer, a minimum of a great summer, is a time of happiness and joy and just great times)

Another song of the later years - I think, 2008 - is a lady gaga song. Just dance. It's my favorite song of hers, and has a great electronic feel to it. It's extremely danceable. It's the exact appropriate sort of songs that stuck in your head - it gets stuck, but you really want it to get stuck (which is, to say the least, to be preferred to the other variant). Another song is Keli Hilson - the way I are. It's just awesome in every way. It has that, not dark, but, hmm... gloomy - I guess is the word - really feel to it. At the same time as that really feel is there, we have Keli Hilson's brilliant, delicate, vocals.

Last out, we have "hips don't lie" by Shakira. This is pretty much the epitome of a summer song/summer hit

It just reeks of excellent vibes. The very good atmosphere of the song probably, a minimum of to a big degree, comes down to the latin-feel - that definitely Shakira, and likely also wy-clef jean, brought to the song. It's a ideal song for a summer's party.

Mambo number 5 is really a fun song, that was released 10-15 years ago. In this song's music video, the singer is changing clothes all the time - seemingly adapted to the girls he is singing about/for (and you will find a lot of girls).

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