Friday, January 20, 2012

How to look your best at an awards function

By Rob Duffield

It's time for the awards and many celebrities are busy attending numerous award shows trying to look great. Most people think that celebrities do not have to do anything to look good; they are just naturally beautiful with perfect complexion and great-looking hair. However, that's not true. Even they have to start preparing days before the big night to look their best. Let's have a look at some of the things that you can do to look your best for the special night.

Acne and blemishes are probably the most common problems that can prevent you from looking great during an awards ceremony. So, start taking steps to clear up your complexion before the big day. There are various herbs and natural supplements that can help you get rid of these pimples.

One of the best nutrients for getting a flawless skin is zinc. It reduces the amount of natural oil in the skin, and prevents and decreases inflammation on your face. It can be applied topically on the pimples to instantly clear them. You can also take it orally to reap long-term benefits for your skin. Vitamin A, often used topically, is quite useful in getting a clear complexion, reducing wrinkles, and curing pigmentation.

A perfectly natural herbal supplement that is very good for your skin is milk thistle. It works from inside the body to detoxify the liver and giving you a radiant look. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet along with your milk thistle supplement and you are all set to look glow radiantly.

Cod liver oil is another natural supplement, which is rich in vitamin A and E. Both these vitamins work together to prevent pimples and spots and give your skin a natural glow. The vitamins present in cod liver oil also prevent your skin from free radical damage, which means that it will prevent wrinkles by keeping your skin tight and taut.

Your eyes are the windows to the world so make sure to pay special attention to them. Avoid late-night parties before the awards function and if you do notice bags under the eyes, use a cream to decrease this inflammation.

Now coming to the hair, many celebrities wash their hair a day before the awards function since washing may rob it of its natural shine. If your hair is out of your control, use sprays to make them stay in place.

Make sure to drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated and go for steam baths and sauna to cleanse your skin and body, making it smooth and flawless.

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